The library catalogue is currently offline
1. We're currently down for maintenance
The library catalogue is currently unavailable due to essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
2. Questions & Answers
2.1 How long will the maintenance take?
It should not normally take more than a few days. For more specific information however, please visit your local library authority webpages.
2.2 The catalogue should be back up, but I am unable to see it. What is going on?
Your browser may have cached this page, thinking that this is the libraries catalogue. Caching normally happens to reduce the time it takes to load a page you have visited before. The easiest and most effective solution to this problem is to force your browser to reload the page from scratch. Please see below for instructions covering the most common browsers:
- Firefox: press the Ctrl and F5 keys on your keyboard simultaneously (Ctrl+F5)
- Chrome: press the Ctrl and F5 keys on your keyboard simultaneously (Ctrl+F5)
- Internet Explorer: press the Ctrl and F5 keys on your keyboard simultaneously (Ctrl+F5)
- Safari: press the COMMAND and R keys on your keyboard simultaneously (COMMAND+R)
- Opera: press the F5 key on your Keyboard (F5)
2.3 The catalogue is still not showing. What else can I try?
If the catalogue is available again and you can still not see it, manually clearing your browser cache should solve the problem. The downside of this is that you may experience slight delays when visiting sites you regularly use for the first time again, as your browser rebuilds the cache. To see instruction on how to clear your cache, please click on the link for your browser below:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Apple Safari 5.1 (OS X Lion)
- Apple Safari 6 (OS X Mountain Lion)
- Opera (instructions are not from the official site)
Please note that these links take you to the official website for various popular browsers. Civica are not responsible for content on these pages.