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Becoming a member

Library service membership is free to anyone who lives, works or studies in East Sussex. You can join online or at any East Sussex Library by presenting proof of your name and current address. Library membership gives you free access to both the digital library and physical libraries.

Register online

You may join the library online by clicking on the button below after you have read and accepted the membership conditions. If you have joined the library service in the past but have not used your account in some time, you may be able to renew it online rather than applying for a new one. Please visit our account FAQs for guidance on renewing an expired account and what to do if you have lost your library card.

Conditions of membership

  • To borrow items, you must present your library membership card. You can visit any East Sussex Library to exchange your online membership number for a library card free of charge. Please take proof of your name and address to do so.
  • There is no minimum age for joining, but those under the age of 16 need an adult aged over 18 with them in person to agree to be responsible for the items the under 16 borrows and for any charges. A parent or guardian is best.
  • Items may be returned at any East Sussex Library. Items left in drop boxes after hours are regarded as having been returned on the next open day.
  • Digital magazines, books newspapers and audiobooks can be downloaded for free. There are no late fees or reservation charges on these materials.
  • Items may be renewed up to five times either online, by phone or in person at any branch. Staff can renew items over the telephone during opening hours; please have your library card number on hand. If a reservation has been placed on an item you have on loan, a renewal is not permitted.
  • Overdue fines are charged for the late return of items.
  • Membership can be suspended if you have overdue items and outstanding charges.
  • Overdue notices are a courtesy reminder for your convenience. A small fee is charged for processing these notices in letter form.
  • All costs incurred by the Library Service due to items lost or damaged whilst in your care must be reimbursed.
  • All inter-library loan and lost membership card charges are non-refundable.
  • If you change your address or name, please notify us immediately or update your details online.
  • Please report lost cards to the library immediately. You will be held responsible for any items borrowed before the loss is reported.
  • Membership details are confidential and will not be disclosed to other parties.
  • Our privacy policy explains how we handle the information you provide.
  • All library members must agree to abide by the Library Byelaws and the Rules and Regulations.


Click the button below to accept these conditions and proceed to the registration form.

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