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eResources for download

econtent from Borrowbox

The BorrowBox app makes it easy to browse, borrow eAudiobooks and eBooks anywhere, everywhere. Download the Borrowbox app for IOS and Android 

Borrowbox for eBooks
Borrowbox for eAudiobooks
BorrowBox Help
econtent from Libby

Borrow eBooks, eMagazines and eAudiobooks from our partner, Overdrive with the Libby app for IOS and Android.

Libby for eBooks
Libby for eAudiobooks
Libby Help
Pressreader logo

PressReader is the best place to read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe. Download the Pressreader app for IOS and Android

Pressreader for eNewspapers and eMagazines
econtent from uLibrary

Download and listen to professionally recorded audiobooks with the uLibrary app for IOS and Android 

uLibrary for eAudiobooks
uLibrary Help
search, renew and Borrow books using the spydus app

Spydus app

Use the Spydus app to search, reserve and renew your books.

Find out more

Help accessing Overdrive content

OverDrive is discontinuing its original OverDrive app in early 2023 and users are encouraged to make the switch to the Libby app. Once you add your library cards to Libby, all your loans and holds will be waiting on your Shelf.
You could also access Overdrive content from East Sussex libraries' OverDrive website using the "Read now in browser" option.

Visit East Sussex Overdrive site

Switching to Libby


Switching to Libby FAQs

  • Will my loans and holds transfer to Libby?
    Yes! Once you add your library cards to Libby, all your loans and holds will be waiting on your Shelf.
  • Can I access my OverDrive history in Libby?
    Your reading history from the OverDrive app and OverDrive library websites won't transfer to Libby. You still can access your history at East Sussex's Overdrive site or see how to export your Overdrive history
Go to Overdrive's Switch to Libby walkthrough

Using Libby

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