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List view record 1: Create A Creature with David Shepherd Wildlife FoundationList view anchor tag for record 1: Create A Creature with David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Thumbnail for Create A Creature with David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
List view record 2: Marvellous Makers, Magical MoonsList view anchor tag for record 2: Marvellous Makers, Magical Moons
Thumbnail for Marvellous Makers, Magical Moons - Wadhurst Library

Marvellous Makers, Magical Moons - Wadhurst Library

30 Aug 2024 - 2:30 PM to 3:30 PMWadhurst Library
This summer holiday join Ed Boxall for a fabulous creative session mixing poetry, music, stories and creative activities.

In celebration of the Summer Reading Challenge theme of 'Marvellous Makers' everyone will be able to create their own magical moon to take home inspired by the seven moons that appear in Ed's new book The Castle of Um.

Suitable for all ages


Registration not requiredFree
List view record 2: Marvellous Makers, Magical Moons

Marvellous Makers, Magical ...

30 Aug 2024 - 2:30 PM to 3:30 PMWadhurst Library
Registration not requiredFree
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