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List view record 1: Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft KitsList view anchor tag for record 1: Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits
Thumbnail for Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits - Heathfield Library

Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits - Heathfield Library

06 Jul 2024 to 07 Sep 2024Heathfield Library

Get creative this summer with the Marvellous Makers Summer Reading Challenge!

Collect one of our craft kits and let your imagination run wild! Complete kits in the library or take one home with you.

Each kit contains a selection of different craft materials. Inside you'll find a few ideas of things you could create, but why not challenge yourself and see what you can come up with? Maybe you'll make a rocket, a flick-book, a collage, or a beautiful card to give to someone you love. The possibilities are endless!

Kits are free and you do not have to be a library member to take part. Just drop in to join in.

Please note: Craft kits are not suitable for children under 3 years old and are available only while supplies last.


#summerreadingchallenge #src #kidsevent #marvellousmakers

Registration not requiredFree
List view record 2: Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft KitsList view anchor tag for record 2: Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits
Thumbnail for Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits - Crowborough Library

Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits - Crowborough Library

06 Jul 2024 to 07 Sep 2024Crowborough Library

Get creative this summer with the Marvellous Makers Summer Reading Challenge!

Collect one of our craft kits and let your imagination run wild! Complete kits in the library or take one home with you.

Each kit contains a selection of different craft materials. Inside you'll find a few ideas of things you could create, but why not challenge yourself and see what you can come up with? Maybe you'll make a rocket, a flick-book, a collage, or a beautiful card to give to someone you love. The possibilities are endless!

Kits are free and you do not have to be a library member to take part. Just drop in to join in.

Please note: Craft kits are not suitable for children under 3 years old and are available only while supplies last.


#summerreadingchallenge #src #kidsevent #marvellousmakers

Registration not requiredFree
List view record 1: Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits

Marvellous Makers - Drop-in...

06 Jul 2024 to 07 Sep 2024Heathfield Library
Registration not requiredFree
List view record 2: Marvellous Makers - Drop-in Craft Kits

Marvellous Makers - Drop-in...

06 Jul 2024 to 07 Sep 2024Crowborough Library
Registration not requiredFree
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