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List view record 1: Young person wellbeing bagList view anchor tag for record 1: Young person wellbeing bag
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Young person wellbeing bag

The Young Person Wellbeing Bags are a resource that can be borrowed by East Sussex Library members for free to improve their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. It is aimed specially at young people aged 11-18. The bags contain information about local groups and support, as well as health a...
[6 copies, 4 available, 1 reserve]
List view record 2: Family activity and wellbeing boxList view anchor tag for record 2: Family activity and wellbeing box
Thumbnail for Family activity and wellbeing box
List view record 3: Wellbeing boxList view anchor tag for record 3: Wellbeing box
Thumbnail for Wellbeing box

Wellbeing box

Wellbeing Boxes are a resource that can be borrowed by East Sussex Library members. The aim of the boxes is to empower the individual to take ownership of their own health. Each box contains interactive resources, local service information and literature about different areas of mental wellbeing,...
[19 copies, 13 available]
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